Director of Research: Dr. Natalie J. Lambert, Phd
Associate Professor, Biostatistics & Health Data Science, Indiana University School of Medicine
Director, Lambert Health Lab

Tremors and Feelings of Internal Vibrations:
Newest Symptoms Found in Long Covid Patients
Pre-Print: Dec. 3, 2021: Survivor Corps partnered with researchers and doctors from Yale School of Medicine and the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine in a study focusing on tremors and feelings of internal vibrations as symptoms of Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), also known as Long Covid.
This study introduces these symptoms from the patients’ perspectives. Full Report HERE
Change in Symptoms and Immune Response in People with Long COVID,
After COVID-19 Vaccination
Pre-Print: July 28, 2021 - As more people are vaccinated against COVID-19, many of those already infected are still suffering from Long COVID (Post-Acute Sequelae-PASC). Although there is no current treatment for PASC, reports from patients that the vaccine itself improves, and in some reports, worsens, PASC symptoms may lead to a deeper understanding of the causes of PASC symptoms and viable treatments.
This study measures the changes in PASC symptoms after vaccination. After collecting baseline self-report and biospecimens for immune assays, we followed up at 2-, 6-, and 12-weeks intervals, post-vaccination (first dose).
The study aims to provide answers for people with PASC, especially regarding the causes of their symptoms and how the vaccine may affect them, and clues for PASC treatment.

Breakthrough Symptomatic COVID-19 Infections Leading to Long Covid:
Yale Report from Survivor Corps Facebook Poll
Pre-Print: July 26, 2021 - Survivor Corps worked with Yale School of Medicine to evaluate the data from our recent public Facebook poll on Post-Vaccine infections.
Dr. Harlan Krumholz MD and Daisy Massey analyzed the results of this poll to determine what people were reporting regarding Long Covid after breakthrough infection and to prompt discussion of how breakthrough cases are measured.
THIS is Citizen Scientist 2.0 Collaboration at work.

March 2021 - Long Hauler PASC Survey: Symptoms & Health Impacts
Mar. 24, 2021 - When the Noise Never Stops: Coping With the Challenges of Tinnitus.
”Researchers are just beginning to untangle how Covid might be linked to a ringing in the ears. Here’s what we know.'“
Dr. Natalie Lambert PhD, (and Director, Lambert Health Lab), summarizes the outcomes evaluated, as to the timing and duration of symptoms, and health impacts of PASC (Long Term Covid), as reported by over 5,100 mostly non-hospitalized COVID-19 survivors

March 2021 - Long Haulers: ‘Waves of Symptoms’
Dr. Natalie Lambert, PhD: “Another important component is that we know that some of the long-haul symptoms show up much later than 2 months: There’s a potential for a wide range of long-haul symptoms that they’re not going to associate with Covid.”

January 2021 - COVID-19 and Brain Health
Jan. 4, 2021 - Researchers at the University of Indiana School of Medicine and Mayo Clinic are conducting a study to learn how COVID-19 has impacted brain health, including: what symptoms were experienced, what care was received, and how has recovery went. This study is anonymous and completely voluntary. You can choose to stop at anytime, save your answers and return at a later time or stop all together. The survey will take less than 30 minutes to complete.
The information you share will be used to understand how COVID-19 has impacted overall brain health and to generate ideas on how to protect the brain during future illnesses.
Dr. Natalie J. Lambert, PhD Associate Professor, Indiana University School of Medicine offers an introduction to the Brain Health study.

October 2020 - COVID-19 Fever Survey Report: Scans Offer False Hope for Stopping Spread
October, 2020 - Dr. Natalie J. Lambert, PhD, Director, Lambert Health Lab, Indiana University School of Medicine , in conjunction with Survivor Corps, has published the COVID-19 Fever Survey Report [IRB Approved]: Over 4,000 respondents surveyed about initial symptoms in first 10 days.
”Fever scans and temperature checks are yesterday’s solution to today’s problem.” #LongTermCovid #LTC19
Bloomberg News: COVID Everlasting
New York Times: Brain Fog Plagues C19 Survivors
Dr. Natalie Lambert offers a summary of the initial findings of the recently published COVID-19 Fever Survey Report
July 2020: Long Hauler Symptoms Report
Aug. 24, 2020 - As a follow-up to our July ‘Long Hauler’ Symptom Report, we are now recruiting participants for our August COVID-19 Symptom Impact Survey, conducted by Dr. Natalie Lambert at Indiana University School of Medicine.
Aug. 20, 2020 - NBC News Doc to Doc: Dr. Natalie J. Lambert PhD talks with NBC’s Dr. John Torres about her recent COVID-19 'Long Hauler’ Symptoms Report about survivors who have experienced COVID-19 symptoms for months.
Aug. 18, 2020 - Dr. Natalie J. Lambert (Indiana University School of Medicine, in partnership with Survivor Corps) outlines the key findings from their joint COVID-19 ‘Long Hauler’ Symptoms Report